describe how they can interact with each other to positively or negatively affect social and physical wellness.

what makes up a person, who they are and how they got to where they are? What constitutes the environment? Does it include elements both external and internal?
October 24, 2018
What are your recommendations for Ms. Inna? Will you recommend continuing or discontinuing HRT and why? •
October 24, 2018

describe how they can interact with each other to positively or negatively affect social and physical wellness.

describe how they can interact with each other to positively or negatively affect social and physical wellness.

Choose two (2) of the following psychoactive substances and describe a total of two similarities and/or differences in short-term effectsandtwo similarities and/or differences in long-term effects: khat, Fentanyl, marijuana, benzodiazepines
Health-related content is presented in HEA150 on a topic-by-topic basis to help with understanding. In real life, however, a number of health factors may exist at the same time. Choose TWO of the following health-related elements and describe how they can interact with each other to positively or negatively affect social and physical wellness.

Physical fitness
Alcohol or other psychoactive substances
Stress management

Travel to the University of Utah’s Genetic Science Learning Center to view a video of how neurons communicate. Describe this communication in your own words, based on content from the video.