Conduct a search for literature on a practice issue pertinent to your practice area (Falls in the Geriatric population)

Conduct a search for literature on a practice issue pertinent to your practice area
December 3, 2019
Evaluate strategies you could use to educate and assist your patients to appropriately use health information found on the web
December 3, 2019

Conduct a search for literature on a practice issue pertinent to your practice area (Falls in the Geriatric population)

Conduct a search for literature on a practice issue pertinent to your practice area (Falls in the Geriatric population)

Assignment Literature Review Matrix (15 points) Conduct a search for literature on a practice issue pertinent to your practice area (Falls in the Geriatric population). Formulate a research question around your issue and complete the Literature Review Matrix template to identify gaps in the literature. Criteria: • Complete Part I and Part II of the Literature Review Matrix template. (4 points) • Complete Part III of the Literature Review Matrix. (4 points) • In your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature, note the appropriate use of the theoretical frameworks. (3 points) • Complete Part IV addressing the influence of empiricism on quantitative methodology. (4 points) Note: Up to 3 points may be deducted for grammar, spelling, and/or APA errors. In addition, review the articles from Dr. Melnyk on doing a PICO and grading of evidence. You may also use other grading systems that are described in the literature if you find one that you like better. Resources: Murrock, C. J., & Higgins, P. A. (2009). The theory of music, mood and movement to improve health outcomes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65 (10), 2249–2257. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05108.x Jacelon, C., Furman, E., Rea, A., Macdonald, B., & Donoghue, L. (2011). Creating a professional practice model for postacute care: Adapting the Chronic Care Model for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 37(3), 53–60. DeSanto-Madeya, S., & Fawcett, J. (2009). Toward Understanding and Measuring Adaptation Level in the Context of the Roy Adaptation Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 22(4), 355–359. Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009). Chapter 6: Evaluation of middle-range theories. Evaluating Research for Evidence-Based Nursing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F. A. Davis.