Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.

Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
August 16, 2018
What personal, cultural, and spiritual values contribute to your worldview and philosophy of nursing?
August 16, 2018

Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.

Using 800-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.

Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution:


Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change.
Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change.
Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.

Staff attitudes and perceptions.
Patient attitudes and perceptions.
Rate of nursing staff turnover.
Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.).

Refer to the “Topic 4: Checklist.”

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines

For pregnant women, or women receiving preconception care, with depression what are the comparative harms or benefits for both fetus/infant and the mother of continuing treatment with anti-depressants?

Each case should be considered individually as no two patients are the same and therefor no one treatment will work for everyone. The use of holistic treatments and therapy should be utilized when possible. However, in most cases holistic treatments are not enough so the use of antidepressant medications becomes necessary. It is very important to treat the patients depression. Studies have shown that untreated depression causes many health concerns and puts both the baby and mother at risk. The risks associated with untreated depression out weigh any risks to the fetus. There is also lots of research that needs to be done on the actual risks of taking antidepressant medications during pregnancy and the postpartum periods.