Policy Brief and Advocacy Letter Assignment
February 26, 2022
February 26, 2022

Case Study Pediatrics

Case Study Pediatrics
Case Study Pediatrics

Sensory Diet

Body is a 10 year-old male child. He attends school near his home. His grandmother brings him to school every day. Body has never received any type of therapy prior to today as he was living in another country and ‘home schooled’. His grandmother reports her grandson was having a hard time making friends and was very bright, but his teacher did not know how to work with a child who was bright. It is noted that Body does not utilize utensils during feeding, but eats with his fingers and has only finger foods in his lunch box. Also Body has trouble holding a pencil during classroom work and prefers to write with a large crayon. He insists that the crayon is the only thing he can use. He also has an adversion to hot and cold food. He prefers only room temperature foods and drinks. He also prefers to wear a “favorite sweater” every day. He likes how it feels. During the observation the Occupational Therapist noted that Body was not able to complete his classroom work. He also had trouble with sitting quietly in the chair. He often wanted to tap his feet and was disruptive to the classroom. He could not attend to the teacher providing instructions. During reading you noticed that Body held the book out in front of him instead of having the book sit on the desk in front of him. He also seemed to read the same paragraph several times. Socially, Body does interact with the other children and seems to want to sit very close to them, or play rough with them.

1. List the problems

2. List the systems your will address

3. List the activities for the problems and how to incorporate Sensory Diet into the treatment

4. State how the evidence supports your treatment

5. Present your findings and demonstrate your treatment. Type the findings and attach your evidence
