Case study : Danny is an 8-year-old male patient who is brought to the clinic by Abuela with chief complaint of coughing of cough that has lasted for five days.

Discuss Healthcare Strategic Management And Planning
March 28, 2022
Identify the competencies and essentials you need to develop.
March 28, 2022

Case study : Danny is an 8-year-old male patient who is brought to the clinic by Abuela with chief complaint of coughing of cough that has lasted for five days.

Case study : Danny is an 8-year-old male patient who is brought to the clinic by Abuela with chief complaint of coughing of cough that has lasted for five days.

DCE Provider Notes – Focused Exam: Cough, Danny Rivera


Danny is an 8-year-old male patient who is brought to the clinic by Abuela with chief complaint

of coughing of cough that has lasted for five days. He reports that the cough gets worse at night

and is always kept awaken by the cough. He also reports mild throat sores. He also reports

general fatigue and takes purple-like medicine for cough, given to him by his mother. Danny also

reports pain on the right eye. He also reports she also reports that he has had frequent ear

infection, He admits pain when swallowing. Danny also reported history of pneumonia in the

past year when he was 7 years old. Danny denies chills fever, headache. He also denies cough

aggravation with activity.


General: Danny is a fatigue-looking various. Danny appears stable and in no acute distress.

HEENT: Moist membrane, clear nasal discharge. Redness, cobblestoning in the back of the

throat. Eyes: Appear dull, pink conjunctiva. Right tympanic sired and inflated. Right cervical

lymph node enlarged with reported tenderness.

Cardiovascular: S2, and S2 present, np murmurs, no gallops or rubs.

Respiratory: Rate increase without acute distress, can speak in full sentences. Breath sounds

clear to auscultations. Negative bronophony. Chest wall resonant to percussion. Expected

fremitus equal bilaterally. Spirometer readings are FVC 1.78L, FEV1 1.549L (fev1.evc: 87%).


Main diagnosis: Cough

Differential Diagnosis: Strep, cold, rhinitis, and asthma based on the abnormal findings that

affect the es, upper respiratory track and lymph nodes.

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 Refer Danny for an allergy test to rule out allergies and a lung test to rule put asthma.

 Again, refer to Danny to a strep culture to rule out asthma.

 Administer antitussive treatment to Danny at night to help him sleep with bed rest.

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