Assignment: The Sociological Investigation

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Assignment: The Sociological Investigation

Assignment: The Sociological Investigation

Assignment: The Sociological Investigation

Scientific evidence, which utilizes empirical evidence to challenge common sense has certain sociological perspective underpinnings. The general opinion in a society may tend to make certain generalities and convert them into truths; however, scientific evidence disputes them by using research data that can be used to inform deductive reasoning (Macionis, 2017). For instance, the society has always believed that rich people are less likely to commit felonies compared to poor people. Nevertheless, that has been disproven by research, which demonstrates that the difference in the two groups of people is found in the manner in which they are treated by law enforcers. Indeed, the application of the scientific evidence is preceded by the application of the sociological perspective as well as curiosity and inquisitiveness. Therefore, scientific evidence will usually challenge common sense.

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The principal objective of a sociologist is to study the world. The process of examining the world occurs through the following research orientations: critical sociology, interpretive sociology, and positivist sociology. In positivist sociology, a sociologist will

Assignment The Sociological Investigation
Assignment The Sociological Investigation

systematically observe behavior and use the outcomes to pass a judgment. Premised on the existence of an objective reality, research using positive sociology orientation tasks a sociologist with locating it (Fayolle & Riot, 2015). Interpretive sociology research orientation stipulates that people attach meanings to certain things and as such, sociologists should use interpretation to decode them. This sociology focuses on the understanding of people’s actions as well as their environment. Lastly, the critical sociology orientation focuses on determining the objectivity of a societal issue (Macionis, 2017). This research orientation holds that the society does not exist in a natural order. The adoption of this orientation makes sociologists to evaluate the necessity of social change.