Analyze the SWOT analysis related to a national and/or local community healthcare organization from a health care management perspective.

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Analyze the SWOT analysis related to a national and/or local community healthcare organization from a health care management perspective.


Analyze the SWOT analysis related to a national and/or local community healthcare organization from a health care management perspective.



Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements The purpose of this Prezi presentation is to analyze the SWOT analysis related to a national and/or local community healthcare organization from a health care management perspective. Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your presentation with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the presentation together. Submit a link to the presentation. A minimum of 3 references are required using APA format and include a reference page within the presentation. Provide a description of the healthcare organization’s mission, vision, and current strategy. Brief description of economic, environmental, healthcare trends affecting the healthcare organization.…