Using evidence-based resources from your search Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
August 4, 2022
Holistic Assessment
August 4, 2022

Red Cross

Locate the American Red Cross in the New York City Area:

Identify what is necessary for emergency supplies to have on hand for a healthy older adult (OA).
Visit with an older family member or friend to identify specific needs for this older adult (reasonable for this person).
Assist the OA in creating their Personal Emergency Plan
Why is this important for OA singles or couples who live independently without services?
Title Slide (1 slide)
Objective Slide (1 slide)
Necessary Emergency Supplies for OA (1 -2 slides)
OA Personal Emergency Plan (1-2 slides)
Importance for Independent OAs (1 slide)
References (1 slide)