Central Venous Catheter ( CVC ) is a catheter placed into a big vena to obtain an endovenous entree. Its usage has become indispensible in the direction of a critically sick patient. CVC is utile in hemodynamic monitoring, measuring of Central Venous Pressure ( CVP ) , uninterrupted IV extracts, hemodialysis/plasmapharesis and in puting of hard peripheral venous entree. Datas from the United States of America states a usage upto 15 million catheter yearss every twelvemonth ( 1 ) .Despite the battalion of benefits, CVCs have drawbacks every bit good. One of the most deadly complications associated with CVC is a catheter related infection. Catheter related blood watercourse infections ( CRBSI ) bears a mortality rate of 12-25 % doing it a really of import preventable health care associated infection ( 2 ) . As per CDC studies, there was a 58 % decrease in the rate of CRBSI from 2001 to 2009 ensuing in an approximative 27,000 saved lives and $ 1.8 billion disbursals in Health attention ( 3 ) . This helps in justification of the legion surveies in this field invariably updating the information sing the epidemiology every bit good as preventative schemes. Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper

Over the old ages at that place has been a changeless diminution in the rate of CRBSI owing to the legion preventative schemes which are extensively implemented worldwide. Michigan State Keystone ICU Project ( 4-6 ) was a landmark enterprise launched in 2003-2004 across assorted ICUs in Michigan. This led to 70 % diminution in the rate of CRBSI in that part and is being implemented worldwide. A checklist was formulated based on the bing informations and was purely followed in all the ICUs which resulted in this positive result. The footing for the checklist was old informations from which few good proven and easy applicable intercessions were chosen. The thought of this survey is to chiefly place the attachment degrees in our infirmary to good CVC attention. The attempts taken in bar of CRBSI needs to be multidisciplinary affecting all classs of wellness attention workers and even the patient and his/her household. Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper

Bacteriological profile every bit good as the incidence keeps altering from clip to clip thereby asking periodical experimental surveies.

AIM of the survey

To analyze the profile of Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection ( CRBSI ) among patients admitted in Medical wards/ICU in a third instruction infirmary in South India.


To analyze the incidence of CRBSI

To measure assorted factors associated with developing CRBSI

To analyze the bacteriological profile and antibiotic susceptibleness form among the isolates

To compare results among patients with/without CRBSI

To quantify the extra fiscal load due to CRBSI

Reappraisal of literature. Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper


Central venous catheters are progressively used in critically sick patients for hemodynamic monitoring, endovenous extracts, plasmapharesis / dialysis etc. They form a hub for colonisation of micro-organism. An infection ensuing from this colonisation contributes to Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection ( CRBSI ) which is one of the most preventable nosocomial infections. Harmonizing to CDC studies, yearly 15 million catheter yearss occur in the United States of America. Similar cumulative information is missing from our state. Catheter related infection ( CRI ) is a major hazard associated with them and it significantly increases morbidity and mortality in critically sick patients. The incidence of CRIs varies mostly depending on the geographic part as good assorted installations within the same part. Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper

Datas from 108 ICUs in Michigan, USA ( 4-6 ) reported a baseline CRBSI incidence rate of 7.7 per 1000 catheter yearss prior to the execution of Keystone Intensive Care Unit Project by Pronovost et Al. However with the execution of this simple checklist, the incidence decreased to 1.4 per 1000 catheter yearss over the following 16-18 months and this decrease was sustained at 36 months of execution. Maki et Al ( 7 ) reported an incidence rate of 2.7 per 1000 catheter yearss in non-medicated, non-tunneled and non-cuffed cardinal venous catheters which are most normally used in ICUs. National Healthcare Safety Network 2009 ( 8 ) reported a average CRBSI rate of 1.65 per 1000 catheter yearss in ICU apparatus and 1.14 per 1000 catheter yearss in general inmate ward apparatus.

Fontela et Al ( 9 ) published a reappraisal of informations collected over 6 old ages ( 2003-2009 ) from 58 ICUs across Canada. The incidence rate of catheter related infections as expressed per 1000 catheter yearss was as follows: Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper

Adult ICUs – 1.67

Pediatric ICUs – 2.26

Neonatal ICUs – 4.40

Besides, a noteworthy characteristic in this information was a important lessening in the rate of CRBSI with clip.

Similar incidence rates were reported across Europe. Tacconelli et Al ( 10 ) reviewed informations from France, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom. The incidence rate was 1.12 – 4.2 per 1000 catheter yearss ensuing upto 14000 CRBSI episodes per twelvemonth which translated to a net extra disbursal of a‚¬ 160 million. Zingg et Al ( 11 ) reported a rate of 2 – 7 per 1000 catheter yearss from Switzerland. Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper

Rosenthal et Al ( 12 ) reviewed the literature from resource limited states. All states based on their gross national per capita income were classified by the World Bank into four groups: Low, Lower-middle, Upper-middle and High income. Low and in-between income states are besides referred to as developing states or the resource limited states. 144 of the 209 states including India autumn under this class harboring over 75 % of the universe population. Merely 10 of those states reported CRBSIs utilizing standardised definition and methods. A sum of 99 surveies were identified of which 30 surveies were reviewed, including one from India. The CRBSI rate as expressed per 1000 catheter yearss ranged from 1.6 – 44.6 in grownup and paediatric ICUs, and 2.6 – 60 from neonatal ICUs. Mortality odds ratio ensuing from CRBSI ranged from 2.8 – 9.5.

Mehta et Al ( 13 ) studied the profile of health care associated infections ( HAI ) including cardinal venous catheter related infections, ventilator associated pneumonia and catheter associated urinary piece of land infection in 12 ICUs across 7 metropoliss in India. Christian Medical College, Vellore was besides a portion of this survey. The incidence rate of CRBSI was 7.92 per 1000 catheter yearss. This resulted in a important protraction of infirmary stay compared to patients without HAI – 4.4 yearss Vs 9.4 yearss. Excess mortality due to CRBSI was 4 % ( RR 1.6 ) . There were assorted other surveies across the state describing CRBSI rate. Parameshwaran et Al ( 14 ) reported a CRBSI rate of 8.75 per 1000 catheter yearss in Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. Chopdekar et Al ( 15 ) reported a CRBSI rate of 9.26 per 1000 catheter yearss in Grant Medical College, Mumbai. Patil et Al ( 16 ) from Satara, Maharashtra reported a much higher rate of catheter related infections – 47.31 per 1000 catheter yearss. Our infirmary has a nosocomial infection surveillance plan as a portion of which all ICU patients are monitored. The CRBSI rate in the twelvemonth 2010-2011 among patients in Medical ICU was 1.8 – 2 per 1000 catheter yearss ( unpublished information ) .Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper


The bacteriological profile in CRBSI is extremely variable. Different ICUs have a different profile. The profile may even alter within the same ICU with clip. SCOPE database ( 17 ) included 49 infirmaries in the USA and studied over 24 1000 instances of catheter related blood watercourse infections during 1995-2002. Overall 65 % of all infections were due to Gram Positive beings, 25 % due to Gram Negative beings and the staying due to fungi. Most common being isolated was Coagulase Negative Staphylococci ( CoNS ) imputing to 31 % of CRBSI. This was followed by Staphylococcus aureus doing 20 % of CRBSI. Another of import facet was the altering tendency of antibiotic susceptibleness noted from 1995 to 2001. Methicillin opposition among the Staphylococcus aureus isolates increased from 22 % to 57 % which was dismaying.

National Healthcare Safety Network, 2009 ( 3 ) information showed a important diminution in the CRBSI rate from 2001 to 2009, the major subscriber being a 73 % diminution in the rate of Staphylococcal infection ( RR = 0.27 ; 95 % assurance interval [ CI ] = 0.238 — 0.294 ) . However the diminution in the incidence of Gram negative being infection was non that marked ( 37 % decrease ; RR = 0.63 ; CI = 0.568 — 0.692 ) . Enterococcus showed 55 % decrease ( RR = 0.45 ; CI = 0.408 — 0.491 ) while there was 46 % decrease in Candida infections ( RR = 0.54 ; CI = 0.487 — 0.606 ) . Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper

The bacteriological profile from India is diverse. Patil et Al ( 16 ) reported 65 % of civilizations insulating CoNS of which merely 44 % were Oxacillin sensitive. Chopdekar et Al ( 15 ) reported that 50 % of CRBSI was caused by CoNS, all of which were multidrug immune. The form of catheter colonisation was different, with Candida and Pseudomonas isolated more often than CoNS. Parameshwaran et Al ( 14 ) reported Staphylococcus aureus followed by Candida and Pseudomonas doing most infections. 26.7 % of S.aureus isolates were immune to Methicillin. However all MRSA and MRCoNS were susceptible to Vancomycin. While all these surveies reported Gram positive beings lending to the majority of CRBSI infections, Gopalakrishnan et Al ( 18 ) reported definite altering tendency noticed in India, with Gram negative beings being the predominant cause as noted over 8 old ages. MRSA contributed to merely 6 % of all CRBSI. 65 % of all E.coli and Klebsiella produced ESBL whereas 40 % and 70 % of Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter severally were immune to carbapenems. This high degree of multidrug opposition form is really alarming. Nursing Accountability in Caring Essay Paper