How Healthy People 2030 Differs From Healthy People 2020

Vulnerable Populations in the Workplace Project
August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022

How Healthy People 2030 Differs From Healthy People 2020

Different fundamental ideas and goals of HP 2030 and HP 2020 are indicated in their respective frameworks. The HP 2020 initiative set four goals, which were attaining high-quality lives, eliminating health disparities, improving social and physical environments, and enhancing the quality of life (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020). HP 2030 includes one additional objective besides those contained in HP 2020 framework: engaging leaders and stakeholders in making health policy. The HP 2020 program monitored about 1,300 objectives grouped into 42 topics in healthcare (CDC, 2020). In contrast, HP 2030 focuses on fewer high-priority areas that are responsive to emerging health problems in the next ten years. At its launch, it comprised 510 objectives grouped into 355 core, 115 developmental, and 40 research aims (CDC, 2020). Thus, HP 2030 is more focused and rigorous than HP 2020 was.

Additionally, data-related criteria are used in selecting the core objectives of the two frameworks. In the HP 2030 initiative, these goals were picked based on national importance, existing evidence base, and health disparities and equity (CDC, 2020). In contrast, HP 2020 identified priority objectives using a specific framework that drew attention to the social determinants of health recommended by federal agencies. Tracking progress towards HP 2020 goals by the National Center for Health Statistics relied on 175 data sources compared to 81 for HP 2030 (CDC, 2020). The data used to monitor the set targets come from national census or health surveys.