Which aspects of employment as an elementary school teacher may be important to consider?

  1. Which aspects of employment as an elementary school teacher may be important to consider?

Don Posted-

I am going to be 60 in November. When I grow up I want to be just like Aimee Mullins! As a person with several disabilities I was inspired by her talk. Aimee Mullins was not going to be defined by societal norms. She was not going to be told what she should, or could, accomplish in her life. She clearly establishes the context of the world she was born into with her use of dictionary definitions of the word disabled. I was appalled at the definitions that were from the 1980’s, up until the present day.  Although much has changed in the way we perceive and support the other abled, there is still such a long, long, long, way to go!

The title of her talk alone, The Opportunity of Adversity, is changing the context, or the lens, through which we view disability. I have lived in a world, since I was a young boy growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, were I was taught that only the strong survive. Aimee Mullins tells us, “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the most intelligent that survives; it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” (Mullins, 2009) Here is this one statement Mullins changes not only the context of how we should view the other abled, she changes the whole conversation.

Later on she challenges mine, yours, and society’s definition of what normal is. “I think the greatest adversity that we’ve created for ourselves is this idea of normalcy. Now, who’s normal? There’s no normal.” (Mullins, 2009) I have often wondered who decided what normal is. We have a great example of that going on right now. America’s biggest sporting event is taking place Sunday, the Super Bowl. One of the participants, Marshawn Lynch, does not speak to the media. In many places he is being vilified for not talking to the media. He is being threatened with huge fines. It is being said he is “not normal” or at the very least that is being inferred. Why should he have to talk with the media? Just to conform and be “normal?” Aimee Mullins challenges us to question what is normal and more importantly who gets to define it.

I think the greatest compliment I can give Aimee Mullins is to let her know I have decided to, come dance with her!

Mullins, A. (2009, October). The opportunity of adversity . Retrieved from TEDMED: http://www.ted.com/talks/aimee_mullins_the_opportunity_of_adversity/transcript?language=en



Respond to Don: 250 word min


  • Question-

Please use this case study “Ms. S experienced her first generalized tonic seizure at age 18, shortly after she entered college.  After several other seizures in the next year, she began taking medication to manage her seizures.  She is now beginning her junior year in college and plans to pursue a career as an elementary school teacher, but has concerns regarding the appropriateness of her career choice given her history of seizures”

  1. Which specific information about Ms. S.’s health condition may be relevant to her career choice?
  2. Which aspects of employment as an elementary school teacher may be important to consider?
  3. Are there any accommodations that may be needed? If so, which accommodations should be pursued? (Remember you can use askjan.org if you need accommodation advice) www.askjan.org