What does the man have and what is (are) the causative agent(s)?

What does the man have and what is (are) the causative agent(s)?

A man comes into the clinic complaining of flat ‘bumps’ on his penis and perineum. He says that they appeared about a week previously and they itch intensely. He initially denies that he has any sexual contact in the last two months, but he then admits that he has a girlfriend who has similar growths in her vaginal region. The doctor suggests interferon injections for the man, but warns that they will likely not be effective and tells him that he may have to avoid sexual contact for the 6-8 months that it might take for the infection to resolve naturally. The doctor mentions that it is too bad that the girlfriend was not vaccinated before her infection, both to prevent the current infection and to possibly ward off cervical cancer in the future. What does the man have and what is (are) the causative agent(s)?