What are the roles of the federal Public Health Service?

What are the roles of the federal Public Health Service?

a topic report about the following



  1. What are the roles of the federal Public Health Service?What does the Surgeon General do? What does CDC do? How is each organized? What regulations do they each enforce and what policy do they each make?


Topic Report Format:

  • 14-page (double spaced)report using 12 point Times New Roman font, standard margins
  • Proper in-text citations and list of Sources Consulted in APformatPages will be numbered and each section will have the heading in bold print. Be sure that all the points in each section listed below are covered in your paper.


The paper will have the following topic headings typically found in academic reports, and be used as dividing points within the paper:


  • Background: description of issue or program (typically 4 pages)
  • Methodology: description of the method you used to create the analysis(see Rosenbloom’s

discussion of program evaluation methods, lecture on program analysis) (1-2 paragraphs)

  • Literature Review:  what did you read about your topic that was written by other authors? Write it as an essay with citations, not as an annotated bibliography (2-3 pages)
  • Analysis: the impacts of this issue in the context of the political situation, community situation, societal concerns, preceding/ existing policies or programs; who were the stakeholders involved in the policymaking and how was the balance of power represented in the policy development outcomes so far. The analysis must both support your recommendation and acknowledge all sides of the issue(e.g., opposition, alternatives)(6-