Water is Importance to Human Bodies

Water is Importance to Human Bodies 

Most of individuals are aware of the importance of water for their organisms and about the need to drink enough water daily. They are informed about this by their nutritionists, fitness instructors and just friends, who are used to take care of their health. Unfortunately this is only generalized information, and it is also important to know more about the actual organs of human organism, which need more water and to understand the reasons of this, also it is necessary to know about the concrete quantity of water, which should be daily consumed by each individual.Water is Importance to Human Bodies Paper Two thirds of the whole Earth’s surface us covered with water and human bodies are made up of 75% of water. On the basis of this information, it is possible to assume already that water plays vitally important role for proper functioning of human organisms and for life on the whole planet; water has certain circulation cycles through the land and through the human body, transporting, dissolving nutrients and organic things, at the same time taking away unnecessary waste materials. Water is considered responsible for correct operating of tissues, cells, fluids, blood, glandular secretions.

Research proved that an adult body contains 42 liters of water on average. In case this person loses at least 2.7 liters, then he would suffer from dehydration. The major symptoms of dehydration are nervousness, dizziness, weakness, irritability, headaches, etc. “Dr F. Batmanghelidj, in his book ‘your body’s many cries for water’  writes: