Vitality of Kidney Functions in Physiological System

Vitality of Kidney Functions in Physiological System

Kidney is one of the major physiologic systems in a human body, but often it has a number of disorders that affects, rendering it ineffective. Kidney nephritis does affect the heart and in severe cases it can cause death if not properly monitored. It can be illustrated as an inflammatory disease that renders the nephrons nonfunctional. The disease is considered as one of the complicated disorders influencing mortality, and particularly in women. As such, it is a dangerous health complication that requires proper attention in order to curb and suppress it. The following study evaluates kidney nephritis in accordance to its causes, risk factors, types, symptoms and diagnosis. In addition, the study also evaluates the treatment, prevention. Vitality of Kidney Functions in Physiological System

There are two major types of kidney nephritis prevalent in human beings, that is, the Acute glomerulonephritis and the Chronic glomerulonephritis. To begin with, acute nephritis is developed following several instances of severe infections such as strep throat, hepatitis, Lupus or even HIV infection. Basically, Acute nephritis is associated with the autoimmunity where the kidneys become inflamed leading to kidney failure. It has its own sub-divisions which includes; pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis and glomerulonephritis. There is also the Chronic nephritis which is triggered by several instances of Acute nephritis without proper medical attention. In many cases, the disease develops slowly and in severe cases it leads to kidney damage and kidney failure. It is a genetic disease that runs in some families or simply developed due poor lifestyle (Dresden, 02). Vitality of Kidney Functions in Physiological System