Tuskegee Experiment & Nursing Research Assignment Case Study

Tuskegee Experiment & Nursing Research Assignment Case Study

One of the historical experiments that was instrumental in shaping the future of ethics and regulations in research is the famously known Tuskegee experiment which was conducted without the participants giving their informed consent to participate in the study and the researchers did not inform the participants the risks and benefits of participation and the reason behind conducting the research. Tuskegee Experiment & Nursing Research Assignment Case Study Paper. The Tuskegee Institute together with the Public Health Service started the study in 1932 with the aim of finding out the history of syphilis among the black men hoping that they would start treatment programs. 600 men participated in the study. 399 of the men had syphilis while 201 men did not have syphilis. The researchers were lying to the men that they were treating them for having bad blood which was a term that was used to refer to long term illnesses associated with fatigue, anemia and syphilis. This study was supposed to run for 6 months but it continued up to 40 years (Center for Disease Control, 2017). Tuskegee Experiment & Nursing Research Assignment Case Study Paper.