Treatment of Complex Trauma Essay

Treatment of Complex Trauma Essay

Emotional and psychological trauma is the outcomes of extremely stressful occasions that ruin one’s sense of safety, letting the victim feel deserted in a dangerous world. Traumatic experiences like the one experienced by Virginia in her younger age predisposes her to get involved in actions that put her life in danger like trying to commit suicide. According to Courtois & Ford (2015) “it is not the objective facts that determine whether an event is traumatic, but the victim’s subjective emotional experience of the event.” In the case of Virginia, she faced ongoing, relentless stress during her childhood development in the position of an abusive father. The domestic violence has changed her biological and physical development because she also believes having a slender body is what it takes to be a woman to maintain her husband. This has resulted in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because she has been exposed to traumatic events in her childhood. Treatment of Complex Trauma Essay Assignment Case Study Paper