Treatment and Prevention of Hereditary Diseases: Sickle Cell Anemia

Treatment and Prevention of Hereditary Diseases: Sickle Cell Anemia

The topic for this assignment is about hereditary diseases. Hereditary diseases are a disease that is inherited by gen. The disease is passed from the previous generation to another generation through genes and these diseases are transmitted in one same family. The genetic issue is caused by abnormally formed in the genome. For my assignment, I am going to study and discuss Sickle Cell Anemia. What is sickle cell anemia? Sickle cell anemia can also call as sickle cell disease. Sickle cell anemia is one type of hereditary disease. Sickle cell anemia is the normal adult hemoglobin caused by a mutation that can be transmitted through genes that are passed on to the next generation. (Chakravorty & Williams, 2015) If the normal red blood cell is biconcave shape but if the person who got this disease, their red blood cell will turn into the abnormal sickle cell which is low oxygen levels and it will also block the blood flow.Treatment and Prevention of Hereditary Diseases: Sickle Cell Anemia

There are many type of sign and symptom for this sickle cell anemia disease such as fatigue, ulcers on the lower part of the leg, delayed growth and puberty, joint pain, fever, attack abdominal pain, eye damage, chest pain, dactylitis, bloody urination and etc. when those people that got this disease, they will feel fatigued and tired. They feel tired is because lack of oxygen reaching the muscles and other tissues and sickle cell anemia also will cause inflammation and chronic pain, which can also interfere sleep and that also will lead to fatigue or tiredness(“Sickle Cell Anemia and Fatigue,” n.d.) Secondly, if the person who got this sickle cell anemia disease, their lower part of their leg will develop ulcers, but this sign mostly will happen during the age of adolescence and adult. Once the person who got this sickle cell disease, the ulcer that grown on their lower part of the leg. They will feel terrible pain, hard to treat and frequently recurrent. (Khatib & Hayek, 2016, para.3)