Treating anxiety assignment

Treating anxiety assignment

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Question 17

A 64-year-old-patient has been prescribed lorazepam (Ativan) because of increasing periods of anxiety. The nurse should be careful to assess for

A. a history of current or past alcohol use.

B. a diet high in fat.

C. current nicotine use.

D. a diet high in carbohydrates.

1 points

Question 18

Which of the following would be an expected outcome in a patient who has been given atropine during a medical emergency?

A. Restoration of normal sinus rhythm

B. Resolution of respiratory acidosis

C. Reduction of severe hypertension

D. Increased level of consciousness

1 points

Question 19

A trauma patient has been receiving frequent doses of morphine in the 6 days since his accident. This pattern of analgesic administration should prompt the nurse to carefully monitor the patient’s

A. bowel patterns.

B. urine specific gravity.

C. skin integrity.

D. core body temperature.

Question 20

A middle-aged patient was diagnosed with major depression after a suicide attempt several months ago and has failed to respond appreciably to treatment with SSRIs. As a result, his psychiatrist has prescribed phenelzine. When planning this patient’s subsequent care, what nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize?

A. Risk for Injury related to drug–drug interactions or drug–nutrient interactions

B. Risk for Constipation related to decreased gastrointestinal peristalsis

C. Risk for Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion related to cardiovascular effects of phenelzine

D. Risk for Infection related to immunosuppressive effects of phenelzine

nstipation related to decreased gastrointestinal peristalsis

C. Risk for Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion related to cardiovascular effects of phenelzine

Avoid alcohol
May be harmful and aggravate certain conditions.
Reduce caffeine intake
Reduces risk of aggravating certain conditions.
Physical exercise
Aerobic activity for 20–30 minutes 5 days a week improves cardiovascular health. If injured, pursuing an activity that avoids the injured muscle group or joint can help maintain physical function while recovering.
Stress management
Pursuing an enjoyable activity or verbalising frustration to reduce stress and improve mental health.
Quitting smoking
Quitting smoking tobacco.
Relaxation techniques
Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, rhythmic exercise and other activities that reduce symptoms of stress
Healthy diet
A diet that provides essential nutrients and adequate calories, while avoiding excess sugar, carbohydrates and fatty foods.