The Trends and Challenges Facing Nursing Practice


Technology has enhanced my learning through the introduction of equipment and instruction techniques that augment my grasp of salient course concepts. Multiple innovations such as simulation, telecare, electronic health records, wearable devices, and telehealth applications have revolutionized nursing practice. Innovations such as simulation have improved the learning process by modeling and customizing virtual environments to replicate the hospital scene. Other technologies such as online learning have further reduced the cost of learning, improved attendance, and ease in access to teachers. Therefore, the role of technology in the learning process remains unrivaled and impactful in the health paradigm.

Learning experience could be improved through the integration of multiple technological models in the healthcare context. In the contemporary setting, innovation has spurred technological models such as telecare, electronic health records, wearable devices, and telehealth applications that have augmented the quality of patient care (Sapci & Sapci, 2019). Increased medical research on the relevance and significance of the above technologies could translate to affluent resources to boost healthcare service delivery. The key benefit of the technologies is the increased efficiency in the quality of care given to patients.

The type of technology resonating with my type of learning is simulation. Technological advancements have precipitated simulation as a preferred learning approach compared to the traditional apprenticeship system. Students practice in virtual environments on the simulator replicating real hospital scenarios such as theatre, ward, or emergency rooms. Training on the simulator provides students with numerous practice hours without risking patients’ lives, as in the case of conventional practice (Lamé & Dixon-Woods, 2020). The use of innovation in evaluating clinical tests could further boost the efficacy of clinical research.

Educator perspective

Technological implementations necessitate ethical values to streamline professional conduct and uphold human dignity during service delivery. Nursing comprises ethical values that dictate caregivers’ conduct and ensure the upholding of professional norms in practice. The critical ethical areas include personal privacy, right of access, copyrights, patents, liability, and other trade secrets. The ethical values shield patients and caregivers from harm stemming from unprofessional conduct, leak of private data, and cultural dilemmas during practice.

Students with shortcomings such as disabilities, inadequate technological tools, or low computer literacy require a customized program to improve their learning. The tailored program should emphasize attention to specific areas of weakness and creating a learning environment with growth potential. Customization of programs in conformity to students’ needs requires resources for effective implementation. In cases where resources are minimal, the teacher can seek alternatives that would impact their learning process. The exclusion of students with disabilities is not ethical. The nursing ethical principles require caregivers to exercise justice at all times. The discrimination of the less fortunate students amounts to a breach of the moral principle.

Technology Self – Assessment Improvement Plan

Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model outlines four main training assessment levels such as reaction, learning, behavior, and results. The first level comprising reaction, delves into how participants responded to the training. Understanding the learner’s perspective of the training method offers insight into the importance of the program (La Duke, 2017). The second step entails the evaluation of their learning. Learners should be examined after training to determine their mastery of the course contents. The penultimate element in the model is behavior; in this context, the learners are reviewed based on the impacts of training on their behavior. Interviews, project assignation, and observations can aid in the determination of behavior. The final element includes results, where the impact of the training is determined through the lens of the return on investments (La Duke, 2017). Kirkpatrick’s model offers thresholds that would remain relevant in assessing nursing education and introducing new technologies.

The assessment on technology, knowledge, and skills revealed an affluent understanding and grasp of technology. My mastery of the selected technology, simulation, is above average and falls under behavior on Kirkpatrick’s model. The initial step of evaluation – reaction – revealed positive feedback on the learning process. The interest in learning simulation as a teaching approach affirmed a positive reaction to the training. The evaluation of the next step, learning, revealed excellent performance with the use of simulation. The technology proved effective due to the lack of human subjects in the program and instant feedback on the processes (Djitog et al., 2018). The training has influenced my behavior, and the practice opportunities have revealed an increased ability to apply the concepts in real-life situations. The plan for developing and improving my technological skills includes increased practice and exposure to multiple simulation environments to improve the general understanding of their application in vast clinical settings. The plan also provides for the learning of diverse technologies to improve the learning outcomes.