The Role Of Vitamin Consumption

The Role Of Vitamin Consumption

Vitamins have become hot topic among scientists since 1912 when their existence and their role in our health were first highlighted. Their name comes from the Latin “vita” which means life and from the German “amine” because of the existing perception that all vitamins contained amino acids.The Role Of Vitamin Consumption Assignment

Vitamins are basic organic substances that are essential in small quantities for the human body in order to function properly. In particular, their contribution to the chemical reactions of our body that convert the food components (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) into energy is invaluable. Generally, vitamins are involved in bone functions, blood clotting, cell membrane formation, vision, neuromuscular function, good skin appearance and reproduction. They also help in metabolism, development and are essential for the body’s defense. That is why the prolonged lack of certain vitamins can lead to serious complications. Even a slight deficiency may cause symptoms of atony, irritation, drowsiness, anxiety, decreased energy, bad mood, lack of concentration, even obesity.