The Real Cost Of Healthy Eating

 The Real Cost Of Healthy Eating

What is the most important idea of one’s life? Is it family? Is it love? Is it living in full health? One may never know what their true potential is and may be. However, wherever the journey may lead the body is always precious, tender as it holds life. From a newborn baby to a grown woman. The body has allowed for wounds, and scars, and sickness. It is a temple for energy to create moments and experiences beyond those unthinkable. One step to care for the body and tend it like growing trees, is to simply eat healthy. Now that may sound simple, almost too easy, yet for most it is not. Throughout many occurrences, healthy eating has been collected as making nutrient-rich food choices from all groups (Healthy Eating).The Real Cost Of Healthy Eating

Although, eating healthy is not always open to everyone due to economic concerns, land degradation, and culturally imposed eating habits. With healthy produce and quality foods -such as vegetables, fruits, and legumes- the market has peaked its way into providing expensive trips to the grocery store for low-income families. For a traditional family of four living in poverty and obtaining low wages, it is very common to eat non- home cooked meals. In replacement of what would be a healthy plate, fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s have gotten into the hands of families who cannot afford a decent meal. Therefore they are required to rely on high fat and low nutrient carbohydrates. These fast food chains provide inexpensive, quick, and uncomplicated foods for an entire family, making it a convenience for low- income families.The Real Cost Of Healthy Eating