The Health Problem Of Dementia Essay

The Health Problem Of Dementia Essay

What is dementia? More commonly people hear about an Alzheimer ‘s disease, which is a disease that is closely related and frequently leads to dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term that defines loss of cognitive abilities and memory damage normally due to devolution of the encephalon. It affects believing, speech production, and doing determinations. It interferes with the ability to execute normal activities of day-to-day life such shopping, taking determinations, keeping bank histories, driving or personal hygiene. Peoples with dementia start acting otherwise they wander, become apathic and aggressive. There are two classs of dementedness, reversible dementedness and degenerative, which is irreversible. Irreversible dementedness such as Alzheimer ‘s disease, vascular, frontal lobe or lewy organic structure dementednesss are most common in that group and can be slowed down but can non be cured. Dementia caused by thyroid jobs, lack in vitamin B12, hypothyroidism or depression falls under reversible dementedness where the disease can be treated and physically cured. That ‘s why it ‘s of import to hold a full work-up done when dementedness is suspected. The Health Problem Of Dementia Essay Paper