The Health Danger of Energy Drinks Essay

The Health Danger of Energy Drinks Essay

Energy drinks are a kind of refreshments that are advertised as soft drinks that boost energy. The truth is these kinds of drinks are full of many harmful ingredients, such as sugar, stimulants, and other herbal supplements. Energy drinks are targeting high school and college students who may use this kind of drink to keep them awake for a midterm, or even give them a hallucination feeling any other alcoholic beverages will do. Many studies showed the disadvantageous of these drinks, yet this industry has wildfire between underage kids who used it to show their rebellious side through a safe and cheap way. The Health Danger of Energy Drinks Essay Paper

A new study shows that 34% of youth between the ages of eighteen years old and twenty- four years old consume energy drinks regularly (Casiano, 2011), this large number of consumption should raise the question whether the united state should ban selling Energy drinks to underage kids, and treat it like alcoholic beverages? Youth are having a hard time keeping up with all of the school activities, volunteering, schoolwork, and maybe jobs; those people usually relay and learn bad habits that will effect their health in many years to come.