The Future Of Health Care Delivery In USA

The Future Of Health Care Delivery In USA

The United States of America has the most expensive health care delivery system compared to other industrialized countries. The country spends more than 17% of its gross domestic product on health care compared to the 12% or less that other countries utilize. The country has the lowest public share of health expenditure although the number increases over time and provides coverage for less than a third of the population. This prompts patients to use out of pocket health expenditure making the system unaffordable. Various factors make the system this expensive: The Future Of Health Care Delivery In USA

The aging population in the country is small. The baby boom generation has increased and this has led to correspondingly more health care requirements. Lifestyle and behaviors are considered a major determinant of health, which in turn translates to health care needs. Obesity for instance took over 10% of medical expenses in the USA in 2008. The drugs, office visits and procedures are expensive in the USA. Research has indicated that compared to other countries, 30 of the most commonly prescribed drugs are a third more expensive in the USA. Office visits for physicians and orthopedics is hitting the ceiling. This is regardless of whether a patient is a public or private payer. The United States of America has the most distinctly advanced technology in the world. This expensive technology is reflected in hospitals where procedures like hip and knee replacements are conducted using expensive medical technology. Supply and utilization of diagnostic imaging equipment, which are considered important yet expensive has translated to high medical expenditure. New technology though gives patient a range of treatment options; it does so by replacing low cost choices with highly expensive services.