The Future of American Healthcare

The Future of American Healthcare

Healthcare policies in the United States have changed throughout history, today there are programs and Acts in place to help insure Americans. These programs are in the works for reform under the Trump administration. Today, up to 44 million people in the United States do not have health insurance. Almost the same amount, 38 million, have insufficient coverage. This being said one-third of the American population is living without the certainty of knowing if they are covered in the event of a medical emergency. The issue today is pursuing a path that insures everyone and provides equal opportunity for all patients.The Future of American Healthcare

President Donald Trump plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act by the end of 2018. The process of repealing it is long and complicated, currently he is trying everything he can to weaken it. According to The Balance, “On October 12, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to modify Obamacare in five ways. These changes went into effect in January 2018”. These five modifications include expanding access to association plans, ease restrictions on short-term health plans, health reimbursement arrangements, limit consolidation, and increase competition.

If they were to repeal the bill, what would happen to the 11 million Americans currently insured through Obamacare? What will the replacement plan look like? What changes or improvements would be made? Will insurance companies be allowed to continue to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions? The process is long and slow, there are no permanent results in place but change is happening and looking back on history can help shape the future of healthcare.