The Ethics of Active Euthanasia Essay

The Ethics of Active Euthanasia Essay

One of the most difficult ethical issues faced by scholars, medical professionals as well as philosophers is that of euthanasia. Whichever position one takes, controversies always appear.

All the ethical theories that have been advanced in support of active euthanasia practice have not been exhaustive in their explanations (Shafer-Landau, 2012). Euthanasia has always been described as the voluntary termination of an individual’s life due to the incapacity of the body to continue with its normal functions.The Ethics of Active Euthanasia Essay

To some, this voluntary termination of life is killing an innocent person while to others it is the right thing to do (Shafer-Landau, 2012). Both positions have all the arguments against and those that are in support of active euthanasia.

Nevertheless, the argument that if a deed props up the superlative welfare of every person who is deemed apprehensive and infringes nobody’s constitutional or civil rights, then that act should be perceived to be ethically all right.

This argument materializes to be rather strong in comparison to supplementary euthanasia arguments premises. This premise seems to be universal and take into consideration the rights of the patient.

It also draws on the natural, legal and ethical perspectives (Geirsson et al., 2010). This premise is also supported by the fact that it takes a more neutral position.