Technology Adoption in Healthcare Essay

Technology Adoption in Healthcare Essay

Medical professionals face many challenges in their attempts to provide quality health care services, especially disease prevention. This article addresses the problem of diseases that are not easily preventable.Technology Adoption in Healthcare Essay

It is a problem that gives doctors a lot of work since it is their responsibility to ensure that people are free from diseases.

The approach used to propose a solution is based on research that has been conducted on technology adoption in hospitals such as barcode technology and computerized scans.

Doctors should make use of barcode technology to collect specimen, identify surgical instruments and manage medication. They care about the use of barcode technology and computerized scans because they prioritize health of their patients.Technology Adoption in Healthcare Essay


Technology adoption in hospitals involves use of computerized disease diagnosis and prevention. Instead of using traditional and inefficient methods to diagnose and prevent diseases, doctors should use computerized methods such as CT scans to detect heart diseases.

In addition, barcode technology is used to increase efficiency of doctors in identification and management of diseases (Weinfurt 20).

A lot of research has been conducted with the aim of establishing how computerized disease diagnosis can be used in hospitals to prevent certain diseases. Researchers have discovered that medical experts focus on the use of technology to treat diseases but ignore its preventive ability.