Sick Building Syndrome Essay – Sample Policy Brief

Sick Building Syndrome Essay – Sample Policy Brief

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is characterized by symptoms of fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, reduced productivity, nausea, irritation of the eyes, nose of throat, coughing, dry skin, allergies, asthma attacks, cold or influenza symptoms, and even changes in personality (Joshi 2008). High rates of office workers are inflicted with SBS annually (Zamani, et al. 2013) and that majority of inflicted people report mild relief shortly after leaving the building (Joshi 2008) Sick Building Syndrome Essay – Sample Policy Brief. Countless people spend 40 hours or more in their workplace and are slowly poisoned in return; we have a social responsibility to alleviate this problem for the health and financial stability of our nation as well as the world.