Self-Reflection on Drug Round in Nursing Essay

Self-Reflection on Drug Round in Nursing Essay

The Nursing Midwifery Council (2008), discussed all nurses must work within the codes of conduct, I have a duty of care to all patients who are entitled to safe and competent care. Freshwater and Rolfe (2001), deliberated reflection is a vital tool in learning opportunities and by engaging in reflecting, patient care will improve, also  knowledge and skills to be a component nurse. Hawatson-Jones (2016) discussed reflection allows the practitioner to recognise strength and weakness, aiding the nurse to contemplate new strategies  and prevent errors. Bagay (2012) Nurses participate  in lifelong learning using reflection as a vital learning tool. I have decided to use Gibbs Reflection model (1988) to demonstrate my knowledge as it helps me describe the events, my feelings, evaluate the events, analyse, conclude and develop an action plan. Consent is not needed as no patient name will be used.Self-Reflection on Drug Round in Nursing Essay

I will draw on my experience performing the drug round as this is a vital aspect of nursing care. I will draw on my experience performing the drug round as this is a vital aspect of nursing care, this was performed under the supervision off my mentor who is accountable for my actions. I will focus my essay on human factors of drug errors.. Duffy (1995) stated drug management is an essential component of the nurses duty, therefore plays a fundamental role in intercepting any drug errors as they administrate the drug to patient. Also, Agyemang and While (2010) reported dispensing medication on wards is the final stage of drugs process therefore nurses need knowledge of drugs, interactions to prevent mistakes occurring as preventing patient harm is paramount Dougherty et al, 2015). Self-Reflection on Drug Round in Nursing Essay

The first cycle of Gibbs Model is to describe the events, I had been working on the ward performing the drugs with my mentor for four weeks, I was second checking all medication with her administering it to the patient and waiting whilst the patient took their medication. Feeling confident carry out this duty, my mentor and I had a discussion about me performing the drugs round the next day, her rational was that she wanted me to be prepared for this duty, I was excited about this prospect as it meant she had faith in me.

The second cycle of Gibbs model is my feelings, the ward was busy but that is not abnormal. It was 18.00 hours when my mentor asked me to start to prepare for this duty. I could feel my hands start to shake, became sweaty my mouth was dry I could hardly speak and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it. Nevertheless, I realised this was something I would need to overcome to be a competent nurse. Realising  this was a natural response because of the biological and emotional imbalance in my body. Stress is mainly a physical response the body feels threated releases different hormones and substances for example cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine is flowing through my body which switches on ‘fight or flight’ response (>>>>>>). Smith and Fawcett (2011) proclaimed performing under optimal stress is good for carry out new duties as I am aware of my surroundings and the task I am performing.Self-Reflection on Drug Round in Nursing Essay