Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1

Research Paper Phase 2


There is an increase in the debate over the issue of dying with dignity and the right to die.

The issue has been revolving around whether a person should be given a chance to choose to die

when they are still in a position to continue living a reduced ability or aiding the life support. Most

of the debates are focused on the ethical position on some of the medical interventions that are

undertaken. The focus of this research paper is to explore the role played by the nurses in

discouraging palliative patients from euthanasia.

Nurses are playing an important role in providing healthcare to the patient during the end of

their life than any other healthcare professionals. Nurses are not directly involved in the

performance of euthanasia but are directly taking part in the process that starts when the patients

request euthanasia and ends with the provision of support to the patient’s family members and

healthcare providers after the act. In this case, it is always crucial for the nurses to be aware of the

role they play during the euthanasia procedure (Wilson et al., 2021). Nurses are required to be

open-minded and to be non-judgment towards accepting euthanasia requests as their professional

attitude can discourage the patients from euthanasia.

The role of the nurses in discouraging palliative patients from euthanasia begins with the

pre-euthanasia which begins with the assessment. In this stage, nurses are required to carefully

listen to the patients to help in the successful assessment of the reasons for requesting euthanasia

and the factors that are linked to such decisions. According to Wilson et al., (2021), the improper

requests that are originating from the relievable suffering have to be withdrawn and alternative

methods have to be provided to the patient to prevent undignified deaths. According to Martin

(2021), all patients need to be assessed for awareness about their medical diagnosis, their

conditions, and the prognosis, and other available alternatives like palliative care to make sure that

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
typically this is not a ROLE of the nurse here- nor is assistive suicide common on the US- as its not legal in many states- how are you going to do this here?
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Wilson’s study was a cross-sectional correlational study of 377 Australian registered nurses who completed an online survey. Generalised linear modelling assessed the effects of independent variables against intended responses to requests for legal assisted dying. They have a system there- here in the US there isn’t- unless you take the time to explain that your readers are going to be lost and confused. you also need to state this study took place in Australia-
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Assisted suicide is legal in 10 jurisdictions in the US: -perhaps you should use the term assisted suicide/euthanasia: it may help your paper flow a little better here in the US
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
grammar- sentence structure- unsure what you are trying to say
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
hint: if you use your headings the reader does not have to guess what you are talking about- makes it easier and ensures you discuss every point
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
I am bit fuzzy as to what your ‘topic is’- what exactly are you researching- you have to be a bit more specific and clear

the decision made are well-informed as a full disclosure that is important in the execution of the

right to the self-determination freely.

Nurses are required to be familiar with the evaluation skills that are important in speeding

the process and improving accuracy. Nurses have a role of ensuring that the family members are

involved in the process to help in the assessment of their reactions to the request of the euthanasia

and allowing the heartfelt communication process between the patient and the family members,

promoting the ventilation about their emotions, application of the active listening skills that are

important in the identification of their needs (Mathews, et al., 2021). In this situation, nurses are

required to remain sensitive and maintain professional approaches in the performance of the


Under the pre-euthanasia, nurses also play a role in the consultation whereby nurses act as

the advocators for the patient they represent and provide information about their conditions and the

wishes of their relatives to enable the patients’ perspective to be put into considerations. Nurses are

also involved in the written consent where they explain the consent using a non-threatening tone

and allowing asking questions. The second phase is the intra-euthanasia which is carried out within

a special rook to given an opportunity for having a peaceful environment that supports the human

right to die with dignity and the reduction of the disturbance in the process (Gill, 2019). This phase

involves preparation, assistance, and recording. In the preparation, nurses help with the preparation

of the medication to induce a light sleep-in case the patient is not wishing to be aware of the

comma induction moment. In the assistance role, a nurse provides emotional support to the family

embers when they are present in the procedure. Under recording, nurses are responsible for

keeping all the records of the medication, for signed consent forms, the pain assessment form, and

the record of euthanasia.

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
grammar spelling
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
is this within the nurse’s scope of practice? remember you are in the US
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Canada study- are nurses in the US going to know this- can you even teach this if its illegal-

The third phase is the post-euthanasia and the nurse has the responsibility of explaining to

the family about the need to stop the procedure ad goes to the last office procedure. According to

Gill (2019), when the decisions are deliberately made, the grieving process and the feelings of

guiltiness among the family members might occur. In this case, the emotional support by providing

reassurance and listening to the feelings of the patients and the family members is done. The nurse

is required to have good communication and counseling skills and helping with a timely referral

process to the counselor for the emotionally affected family.

Methodology and the design of the study

The help in understanding the role played by the nurses in discouraging the palliative

patients from euthanasia, the method to be adopted will involve the use of both qualitative data and

quantitative data. This will be a case study using specific healthcare facilities that are selected for

the study. The collection of the data to be used for the study will involve the use of interviews and

questionnaires. The interview process as a method of collecting data will be targeting the nurses in

charge of the selected healthcare facilities. The questionnaire will be used for the selected nurses

from the targeted facilities. The questionnaire or interview will be delivered to the participants in

person or by emailing them. The information to be collected from the patient will involve the

collection of the demographic data of the participants for example age, gender, the year of

employment within the facility, and their positions within the facility. Other questions will involve

asking their perception or attitudes concerning voluntary euthanasia; the methods they wish to be

involved in the euthanasia as palliative nurses; and how their demographic features for example

years of work experience as a nurse are impacting the palliative role and their attitudes towards

voluntary euthanasia.

Sampling Methodology

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
heading- please review your APA
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
sources of data when carrying out a case study are observations of a person’s daily routine, unstructured interviews with the participant herself (and with people who know her), diaries, personal notes (e.g. letters, photographs, notes) or official document (e.g. case notes, clinical notes, appraisal reports). The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing ‘the case history’ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group), i.e. the idiographic approach.
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
done-use perhaps completed/performed- done is for turkeys consider rewording sentenced
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
case study (add) method using…
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
is this heading ?? not APA
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo

The sampling methodology to be adopted in this case will involve the use of the nurses and

nurses in charge of ages above 25 years. In this case, a total of 60 participants will be used in the

study i.e., 10 nurses in charge and 50 nurses within the selected facility. Before the involvement of

the participants in the study, they will be taken through a consent process where the objectives of

the study will be explained and informing them that the study is done for academic purposes. The

participants will also be assured of confidentiality and that their names will not feature anywhere.

They are also allowed to take part or to leave the study. The selection of the study participants will

follow a random process from the few selected healthcare facilities to help in understanding the

role played by the nurses in discouraging palliative patients from euthanasia procedures.

The necessary tools to be used

One of the research tools is informed consent whereby the participants are given a chance

to sign for their willingness to take part in the study. The other tool is the questionnaires that give

the chance of obtaining information from a larger population who are unlikely to have time to

attend an interview or take part in the experiments. This tool is important in enabling the

participants to take time, think about the research question, and return the questionnaire later. The

questionnaire allows the participant to state their views or feelings privately without worrying

about the possible reactions of the researcher. The questionnaire tool is composed of multiple-

choice questions, attitude scales, open-ended questions, and close-ended questions. The other tool

is the interviews that are carried out in person or face-to-face. The interview can also be

administered through telephone or use of more advanced computer technology such as skype. It is

therefore important for the interviewees to decide on whether they feel comfortable concerning the

invitation of the researcher into their homes or to have room or an area where the participants are

free to speak without disturbance to other individuals within the family.

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
you need to think about this section it needs some development and thought put in.
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
informed consent is not a tool
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
heading ??
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
charge nurses


Gill, B. K. (2019). Euthanasia and Nurses’ Role in It. Arch Clinical Case Study, 2(1).


Martin, S. (2021). Assisted Suicide and the European Convention on Human Rights. Routledge.

Mathews, J. J., Hausner, D., Avery, J., Hannon, B., Zimmermann, C., & Al-Awarner, A. (2021).

Impact of medical assistance in dying on palliative care: a qualitative study. Palliative

Medicine, 35(2), 447-454.

Wilson, M., Wilson, M., Edwards, S., Cusack, L., & Wiechula, R. (2021). Role of attitude in

nurses’ responses to requests for assisted dying. Nursing Ethics, 28(5), 670-686.


Nora Hernandez-Pupo
not APA- not 5 sources