Research and prepare a teaching presentation for a postpartum woman and her family.

discuss the fundamental advantages that the commercial forensic packages offered to forensic investigators.
September 23, 2019
What are the factors that contribute to poor data quality in a healthcare database?
September 23, 2019

Research and prepare a teaching presentation for a postpartum woman and her family.

Research and prepare a teaching presentation for a postpartum woman and her family.

Research and prepare a teaching presentation for a postpartum woman and her family. Focus the information for the new mother who will be discharged from the hospital in the next day. Develop an informational handout and presently available resources related to the topic. The information should include normal expectations danger signs and when to notify their provider.
Topic: Bottle Feeding; Well-fitting supportive bra application of ice management of engorgement when to feed how many ounces and other information needed. One pamphlet with some drawing showing baby/ mother/ feeding bottle and so on.