Reply to the following 2 Discussion posts

prepare a comprehensive analysis on an adverse event or near-miss that you or a peer experienced during your professional nursing career
March 10, 2022
PICOT: For adult surgical oncology patients at White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care.
March 10, 2022

Reply to the following 2 Discussion posts

Reply to the following 2 Discussion posts

Please Reply to the following 2 Discussion posts:


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This discussion surprised me on how ordinary people and colleagues view the purpose of nursing. When I asked 5 laypersons about the question, “What is the purpose of nursing?”, Person 1 answers that “nurses make sure that patient receives the direct care they need”. Person 2 defines the purpose of nursing is to “identifying patient’s needs and monitor and implement the medical plan and treatment”. Person 3 says “nurses are a caregiver that manages the physical needs of patients”. Person 4 says that the purpose of nursing is to “observe and monitor the patient and record any relevant information to aid in treatment and decision making”. Person 5 says” nurse is a multi-purpose profession that links between patient, doctors and other branches of the healthcare system.”

5 nurses were asked the same question. Nurse 1 answers the purpose of nursing is to “care for the ill, disabled & dying”. Nurse 2 says “to give care to the patient in need while providing competent skills as a nurse”. Nurse 3 said, “nursing is caring for individuals who are sick, promote health and prevent illness through patient education”. Nurse 4 is a PACU nurse for 20 yrs. and she says” nursing involves a lot of critical thinking skills and professionalism since nurses deal with human lives and nurses are expected to provide the highest quality of patient care.” Nurse 5 stated that the purpose of nursing is to “be knowledgeable and to know that every patient has different needs and give patient care to all types of people, that requires emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of care”.

Caring is one thing in common among their answers as caring has been defined as the essence and core of nursing (Watson, 2022) Based on their answers, laypersons value the aspect of caring more than the technicality of being a nurse. On the other hand, nurses perceived the value of competence through critical thinking and problem-solving skills to address the wholeness of the patient, and not just focus on the disease itself. According to Watson (2022), creating a solution-seeking through the caring process contributes to the health and wellness of the patient. Touching their mind, body, and spirit by being physically present and active listening to their concern as well as offering self for their basic needs will create a connection by both nurse and patient leading to a transpersonal caring relationship (Watson, 2022).


Nursing is an integral part of the health care system, and this knowledge is shared by individuals in the nursing profession and laypeople. In this discussion, laypeople will encompass all individuals that do not have certification, licensure, or specific health training. According to Garfield et al. (2016), there is consensus that nurses, patients, and the public should be involved in research in a meaningful way. In this case, five nurses were asked the following question, “what is the purpose of nursing?” It is interesting to note that in all these cases, the nurses had the following response. Nurse 1: the role of nursing is to advocate and care for individuals while they are through illness and health. Nurses 2: the purpose of nursing is to promote health while preventing illness and injury. Nurse 3: the purpose of nursing is the alleviation of suffering through proper diagnosis of illness affecting patients. Nurse 4: the purpose of nursing is the creation of a standard of care where the nurse develops the care plan for the patient. Nurse 5: the purpose of nursing is advocacy for health promotion and educating the public on means of disease prevention.

Certainly, in all these cases, there was a similarity in the nurses’ responses since they showed that nurses are the patient care, and they achieve that through advocacy, educating the public, creating standards of care, and caring for the sick individuals. The same question was asked to five laypersons, and some of the responses included the following. Layperson 1: the purpose of nursing is caring for sick people. Layperson 2: the purpose of nursing is to take care of the older people in the population. Layperson 3: the purpose of nursing is to provide education among the marginalized communities. Layperson 4: the purpose of nursing is caring for individuals, either sick or healthy. Layperson 5: the purpose of nursing is the provision of knowledge about the role of nurses in the community. In all these instances, it showed that the laypeople had a small understanding of the purpose of nursing in their communities and the role of nurses in education and advocacy.