Recent advances in medical technology

Recent advances in medical technology

The two articles What is telecasters? And ‘Do we know too much? Illustrate what the evolution of medical technology is and how it improves people’s life. Both articles provide medical studies to support the curative effects. Furthermore, although there are still some limitations or negative aspects toward the progressions, It Is believed that those will be solved with time. In the article What Is telecasters? ‘ the author elucidates how its operation differs from traditional surgery.Recent advances in medical technology

It Is revealed that doctor an give a remote operation by using robotic arms connected to fiber-optic cables without distance and facilities restrictions. However, some people doubts If robots can be relied on; the author also states that It might not function well due to the network access and compatibility of computer. The second article alms to address the question of what happens If we can extract Information from our genes. By genetic tests, we can aware of the genetic disorder that we might suffer from and prevent contracting certain diseases.