Public Health And Sexuality Assignment

Public Health And Sexuality Assignment 

Please be thorough with your response and be sure to back up all information with reputable sources.

1. For week three I decided to go with topic 2 for my discussion response. Some basic conditions for good sex that were developed by Zilbergold are through discovering all of your conditions to ensure that you are able to enjoy your sexuality. Through his studies he has explained that every individual has his or her own unique condition for good sex. You must look at both conditions sexual satisfaction of when pleasure and intimacy was at it’s highest point and also it’s lowest point when you possibly felt like you were not aroused. He Zilbergeld states that within a sexual situation you must be comfortable, confident, and excited in order to get the fulfillment of an open experience. By clearing your mind of all the unnecessary chaos, you are able to transmit sexual messages that will result in better satisfaction when it comes to intimacy. NURS Public Health And Sexuality Assignment Papers.

In order to fully understand your condition, you and your partner must communicate all factors to understand sexual desires. By incorporating sexual enhancement programs, couples are able to make time for one another in having a better understanding of sexual fulfillment. “To sustain a loving sexual relationship, individuals must be willing to face the threats to the defense system that loving another person and being loved for oneself evoke” (Yarber, Sayad, Strong, 2015 p 455). When it comes to sexual difficulties, couple have the opportunity to cooperate with one another to help each other have a better intimate relationship.