Public Attitudes Towards Health Essay

Public Attitudes Towards Health Essay

2.1 Dianne Salvador

Attitudinal determinants: Public attitudes

1. The public concepts of what health is

2. The public concepts of what illness is

3. The importance the public put on health

4. Public attitudes towards health and medical professionals

1. The concept of health refers to a person’s social, mental and physical health. According to the World health Organization health is a characterize of a complete physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and social well being of a person in terms of being free from any ailments or diseases. The community health professional place a strong importance on wellness it includes the quality to established a potential fulfilling and productive life. A client and a health care providers often define wellness and health in different ways. One in every of the foremost vital things in life is to be healthy not simply physically, however mentally and showing emotion likewise.Public Attitudes Towards Health Essay

2. Concepts of Illness

Is a personal state in which the person feels unhealthy physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, developmental or the spiritual functioning is weakened or impaired contrast with previous experience. Illness are refers to the subjective sense of feeling sick or feeling unwell illness does not define a specific pathology it refers to a person’s subjective experience of it, such as discomfort, tiredness, anxiety, confusion or general malaise. The way patient address symptoms sometimes it influenced culturally and social background. illness is a wickedness and unpleasantness it is a unhealthy condition of a body and mind. A person’s health was greatly influenced by ventilation, noise, cleanliness, diet, temperature.Cultural differences affect patients’ attitudes about medical care and their ability to understand, manage, and cope with the course of an illness, the meaning of a diagnosis, and the consequences of medical treatment. culture specific values influence patient roles and expectations, how much information about illness and treatment is desired, how death and dying will be managed, bereavement patterns, gender and family roles, and processes for decision making.Public Attitudes Towards Health Essay