Psychology Of Exercising Assignment

Psychology Of Exercising Assignment

Exercise does not come naturally for me. I do not jump out of bed excited to hit the gym. In fact it is just the opposite. Given the choice between going to the gym and going out to eat, shopping, or just sitting around the house, I would likely skip my workout. I am sure there are many just like me. So how do we get motivated? Is there a psychological reason why so many of us do not and cannot stay motivated to exercise even when we know how important exercise is?Psychology Of Exercising Assignment

We all know we should be exercising regularly. The human body was made to move. From the tiniest atoms in our DNA to the blood in our veins and the electrical impulses in our brain, we are constantly in movement. Exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Exercise provides immediate and long term health benefits. We all know long term activity can improve our quality of life, Yet so many of us find it challenging to get up and get moving. Just as exercise helps us physically it also helps us psychologically.Psychology Of Exercising Assignment

An article written by Paul E. Greenburg in Scientific American states depression costs society $210 BIllion per year. Depression is the most common illness in America affecting 25% of the population. Given these staggering numbers how can we not advocate exercise as a way to help break this cycle. A number of studies have found that regular sustained exercise helps with depression. Exercise may help distract us from our daily worries. Increased social contact comes from exercising with a group. Exercise can change levels of chemicals in our brain such as serotonin and stress hormones. It increases our endorphins which in turn lifts our mood. These natural chemicals can act like morphine and other painkillers in our brain. It may even help us improve or sleep cycle. There’s also a theory that aerobic activity boosts norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood. And like antidepressants, exercise helps the brain grow new neurons.