Psychology Case Scenario Essay Assignment

Psychology Case Scenario Essay Assignment

Assess the extent to which the case study dataset meets the Daubert standard (psychometrics). In other words, what is the known or potential error rate? Has the data been derived using reliable methods? Is the data valid and reliable with regard to the scientific method? Psychology Case Scenario Essay Assignment Paper

Daubert standards as referred to the United States federal law are a rule of evidence that regards the admissibility of a testimony by an expert witness. It may regard a party that raises the Daubert motion before or during a trial so as to exclude the presentation of unqualified evidence to the jury. In this particular case scenario six where Mr. Doug X has been referred for a CPS evaluation, it is deemed that this case study has met the Dauber standards. In the determination whether it is admissible in law and if it coincides with the expert opinions, Mr. X having taken part in a CPS evaluation has passed through the review of record, clinical interview, Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-3), Inventory Of Offender Risk, Needs, And Strengths (IORNS) as well as spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA). Therefore, it can be presumed that this forensic psychological assessment meets the Daubert standards since all these assessment tools have been successful in evaluation (Yanez &Williams, 2004). Psychology Case Scenario Essay Assignment Paper