PSY 201 Discussion IQ And Genetics

PSY 201 Discussion IQ And Genetics
PSY 201 Discussion IQ And Genetics

Compare and contrast Piagetâ€s theory of cognitive development with the theories proposed by Vygotsky and Bandura. Use the following scenario: you are a second grade teacher and are writing a lesson plan to teach math facts (addition and subtraction).

Based on Piagetâ€s theory of cognitive development, what materials would you incorporate into your lesson plan? Be specific and explain how your plan is driven by Piagetâ€s theory.

How would you change your lesson plan based on Vygotskyâ€s theory? Based on Bandura’s theory?

DQ2 IQ and Genetics

It used to be thought that IQ was strictly determined by genetics. After reading After the Bell Curve, do you believe that IQ is solely influenced by genetics? Based on your readings, what advice would you offer to parents/caregivers/and educators in order to maximize IQ?

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PSY 201 Discussion IQ And Genetics
PSY 201 Discussion IQ And Genetics

Research on the heritability of IQ inquires into the proportion of variance in IQ that is attributable to genetic variation within a population. Heritability, in this sense, is a mathematical estimate of how much of a trait’s variation within a population can be attributed to genetic variation between individuals in that population.[1] There has been significant controversy in the academic community about the heritability of IQ since research on the issue began in the late nineteenth century.[2] Intelligence in the normal range is a polygenic trait, meaning that it is influenced by more than one gene,[3][4] and in the case of intelligence at least 500 genes.[5] Further, explaining the similarity in IQ of closely related persons requires careful study because environmental factors may be correlated with genetic factors.

Early twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%,[6] with the most recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%.[7] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with the child’s age and reaches a plateau at 18–20 years old, continuing at that level well into adulthood. However, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease are known to have lifelong deleterious effects.[8][9]

Although IQ differences between individuals have been shown to have a large hereditary component, it does not follow that mean group-level disparities (between-group differences) in IQ have a genetic basis.[10][11][12] The scientific consensus is that there is no evidence for a genetic component behind IQ differences between racial groups.[