Pros and Cons of Physical Exercise

Pros and Cons of Physical Exercise 

The effects of exercising can be both positive and negative. Exercising can help people stay healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you don’t exercise you can become overweight, depressed, and it can make you mentally dysfunctional. When you don’t exercise you can have all kinds of health problems mentally, physically, and emotionally.Pros and Cons of Physical Exercise Paper

The physical effects can be painful, but in the end the results are worth it. Exercise is to keep the human body healthy for all ages. If someone had a back injury or a broken leg it is more painful to exercise. If they overdo it they can hurt themselves. They need to start slowly for the first few days, weeks, months, and or years. As they say no pain no gain which means even though, it may be painful it still has to be done. Even women during pregnancy and after they have given birth still need to exercise to keep in shape and stay healthy. Women who exercise before and after childbirth experience a lot less pain than women who don’t exercise. Even people who have major injuries, that exercise, have less pain in the long run than people who don’t exercise. Exercise is very important it’s a natural and important part of living.Pros and Cons of Physical Exercise Paper

Exercise can also benefit the mind and your mood. When people sit around and do nothing for hours on end it can get very depressing. People who exercise are much more happy because certain chemicals are released from the brain to give the induvial a more happy and positive outlook on things. People who go biking, hiking, running, or swimming are more lively and happier. People who do not go outside and exercise are more likely to commit self-harm and are more likely to hurt themselves and others. People who live in very cold and dark places have to find a way to exercise inside. They need to go walk around the mall, the store, go to the gym, and even work out at home.