Promoting self-management for patients with chronic illnesses

Promoting self-management for patients with chronic illnesses

The types of social media that could benefit health care providers and patients are the following. Enhanced practices, education and research. Promoting self-management for patients with chronic illnesses. Providing support, this would be a good platform for training. Research aid for nursing and patients. (Huston, 2017)

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. There are many actions the nurse must partake in before the use of social media as a means of a teaching tool. First, the RN must understand the elements of digital citizenship. (Huston, 2017)

  • Not providing information about patients
  • Not providing medical advice online or in any other similar platforms

In addition, assess if patients are good candidates to self-educate on social media (Huston, 2017)

  • Steer toward the informed sources
  • Consider if patient has access
  • Troubleshoot with them if needed

2. The types of social media that could benefit health care providers and patients are the following. Enhanced practices, education and research. Promoting self-management for patients with chronic illnesses. Providing support, this would be a good platform for training. Research aid for nursing and patients. (Huston, 2017)

3. There are many pitfalls to utilizing social media for both patients and health care providers. So many, that I do not know which one outweighs the other. Below I will name just a few of them. To begin with, social media and the world wide web (the internet) provides many sources with poor credibility. While patient interaction on social media may be interpreted in the wrong way at times. some cons or downsides may include, security risk or breach, lack of control, false information, some patients will try to self-diagnose. (Clark, 2020).