Promoting and Protecting Public Health Essay

Promoting and Protecting Public Health Essay

– Evaluate the effectiveness of promoting and protecting public health . Lung Cancer [pic] One of the campaigns is lung cancer campaign ‘got a cough, get a check! ’ it shows the symptoms of lung cancer, saying that if you are coughing a lot or if you cough up blood, neck pain and shortness of breath to see your doctor. This will mean that people can be checked earlier than leaving it for it to just get worse.

Lung cancer is the most common cause of death ‘’it is known that smokers and ex-smokers have a particularly high risk of developing the disease: although most lung cancers are related to smoking, 10% of people with lung cancer have never smoked. Promoting and Protecting Public Health Essay Paper

’’ (http://lungcancercampaign. org/patient-information/). Which links to the smoking campaigns, in 2013 the department of health launches new anti-smoking campaign which highlights cancer risks. ‘’ The campaign has been developed on the back of research which shoes that more than a third of smokers still believe that the health risks associated with smoking are “greatly exaggerated”.

’ (http://www. guardian. co. uk/media/2012/dec/28/new-year-anti-smoking-campaign-cancer-risks). This campaign will be advertised on the TV and also on billboards; I think that this campaign unlike other will be a lot more effective as the images I feel are disturbing. The campaign advert shows that when you smoke the chemicals you inhale cause mutations in your body, a mutation are how cancer starts. Every 15 cigarettes you smoke will cause a mutation. If you could see the damage you’d stop! [pic]. Promoting and Protecting Public Health Essay Paper

After the advert it shows you were to go to quit smoking, by getting help and get the quit packages. Which is free from the NHS (one of the socio economic factors), the national no smoking day proves that ‘’helping over 1. 5 million smokers quit for good since 1984. And around three quarters of a million people make a quit attempt each No Smoking Day’’(http://www. nosmokingday. org. uk). Which shows that smoking campaigns are working as more people are trying to quit and lot of them are succeeding.

Quitting smoking will be a big help on the amount of people who are being diagnosed with lung cancer. Another lung cancer campaign is the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, they have a website which shows people about lung cancer and then how to get in contact for help; they have supporting group to find out how to cope and understanding lung cancer will help the individual find what they need. They have many fundraising and events to help raise money for treatments and to make more campaigns on risks of lung cancer and symptoms of lung cancer. Promoting and Protecting Public Health Essay Paper

The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation have many campaigns, one of them being supporting the plain packs on cigarettes as ‘’every year, another 340 000 children in the UK are tempted to try smoking’’ (http://www. roycastle. org/news-and-campaigning). [pic] ‘November is lung cancer awareness month’ and ‘Women against lung cancer’ is some of the campaigns that they run. They also have a campaign aimed at young people who smoke which is known as the Anti-Tobacco Youth Campaign, it is a campaign to make younger people stop smoking at a younger age as the longer a person smokes the higher the risk of cancer is.

It aims at making youngsters feel strong enough not be influenced to smoke by social factors. This foundation also wrote to the prime minister, to explain the statistics that they have found about the amount of people dying each year due to lung cancer and smoking. It also says what they want the government to take action on – continue to support work raising awareness of lung cancer signs and symptoms, protect lung cancer clinical nurse specialist posts, ensure continuation of national lung cancer audit and continue to support investment in stop smoking service provision. Promoting and Protecting Public Health Essay Paper