Primary Care Clinic – Breast Concerns – Peer Response Nursing Essay

Primary Care Clinic – Breast Concerns – Peer Response Nursing Essay


Many factors such as genetics or radiation exposure could place women at risk for breast cancer (BC).  However, age is the most important factor that puts women at risk for BC.  That is the reason of guidelines for breast cancer screening being geared toward women over the age of forty.  In fact, according to Faguy (2017), the American Cancer Society recommends annual mammography screening for women at average risk of breast cancer beginning at age forty-five, and at age fifty-five women can do biennial screening or continue with annual testing.  On the other hand, The U.S, Preventive Services Task Force recommend that asymptomatic women ages forty to forty-nine could decide if they need to or want to be screened.  On the other hand, women between ages, fifty to seventy-four should be screened every two years (US Preventive Services Task Force, 2016).  Since there are many variations of risks based on age, genetic factors or suspicious symptoms, it is up to the practitioner to evaluate the problem and recommend the appropriate test for more accurate diagnosis.  For patients who present with symptoms such as nipple discharge or pain, breast swelling, skin changes or dimpling as well as masses, they should have a diagnostic mammogram instead.  Depending on the symptoms or severity of the problem, a breast sonogram and/or a biopsy are recommended for a more accurate diagnosis of the problem (Faguy, 2017). MN577: Primary Care Clinic – Breast Concerns – Peer Response Nursing Essay Paper

In the clinical setting, women complaining of breast problems should always be taken seriously, and a thorough evaluation should be done.  Practitioners need to do a complete breast examination and physical exam and ask questions regarding current medications including over the counter and herbal supplements.  Also, a history of previous breast problems, the use of hormone therapy and health and social habits should be evaluated.  A family history of breast cancer with close relatives such as a mother or sister is a red flag as a potential risk.  In some cases of family history of breast cancer, genetic testing is recommended (Ozanne, Howe, Omer, & Esserman, 2014).  At my clinical setting, many women just come with concerns regarding different breast conditions; which is good, because it demonstrates that women are more active when it comes to their health status.   Most of the time, breast conditions could be addressed and treated promptly, having good health outcomes.  Once there was a patient with a family history of breast cancer, that came after discovering a little lump in her right breast. The patient was examined, and diagnostic tests were ordered.  In this case, patient education was vital to ease patient’s anxiety. MN577: Primary Care Clinic – Breast Concerns – Peer Response Nursing Essay Paper

As with any other patient, we educate women on risk factors and explain their problem, and most importantly, we must involve them in the decision-making process of testing and treatment.  Education is essential to make sure our patients make informed decisions.  We must approach the subject with sensitivity, allow privacy and ensure them of confidentiality and their rights.  Ozanne, Howe, Omer, & Esserman (2014) explain that breast cancer patients need unbiased, comprehensive education, personalized risk assessment, and allow the opportunity for meaningful consideration of their risks and benefits. MN577: Primary Care Clinic – Breast Concerns – Peer Response Nursing Essay Paper