Overweight or Obese Infants Research

Overweight or Obese Infants Research

Overweight or obese infants and children of less than 5 years got to 40 million showing a significant rise from 32 million in 1990s. The number of overweight or obese kids in the World Health Organization African Region increased from 4-9 million in 16 years. A majority of overweight infants live in developing countries. The rate of increase is higher than the numbers in the first world countries by more than 30%.Overweight or Obese Infants Research

Overweight infants and younger children are likely to continue staying obese during their late childhood, adolescence and even adulthood if there is no intervention. This information might shock parent to babies who are relatively small because of most deal with nagging relatives who keep advising them to find ways of increasing the weight of their baby.