Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Integrative Summary

Policy Evaluation Proposal
August 22, 2022
Soup Note: Scoliosis
August 22, 2022

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Integrative Summary

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic and potentially disabling disease with significant negative social and economic consequences. According to modern classifications of diseases (ICD-10, DSM-IV), OCD is an independent category that combines psychopathological formations of the circle of obsessions (Taylor & Jang, 2011). Its main clinical manifestations are obsessions (repetitive, unwanted thoughts, images, emotional experiences, and urges) and compulsions (stereotyped, often ritualized actions or mental acts), which patients subjectively regard as “protective” (Cromer et al., 2007). However, the nature of the course, prognosis, dependence on situational factors, response to biological and psychological therapy of patients in this category vary significantly (Taylor & Jang, 2011). Therefore, the issues of clinical typology and the related tasks of differentiated prognostic and therapeutic assessment of OCD acquire great practical importance.