Obligations of Nursing Profession and Work as a Nurse

Obligations of Nursing Profession and Work as a Nurse

Voluntary euthanasia is the process of terminating a patient’s life due to his/her own consent to end the suffering that they are undergoing. The issue of euthanasia has been debatable for over a long period now, with some supporting it while others rejecting its legality. Despite the fact that it is illegal in most countries, nurses usually face the difficult process of decision-making when asked to perform voluntary euthanasia. According to Healey (2008), nursing as a profession has its own ethics that governs the behavior of nurses. Notably, one of their ethics on euthanasia states that a nurse has to perform euthanasia with the consent of the patient or the relatives.Voluntary Euthanasia Assignment

Concerning that, a nurse has no option but to adhere to the rules that govern the profession. A person can recommend the nurse to give their patient some drugs so that he can die to take the pain away. This would be a personal decision of the patient or the relatives and the nurse would have to work by them despite the nurse’s personal stand. Euthanasia has made nursing as a profession a challenging thing for many to pursue because of their religious stands, which are against euthanasia.