Nursing Theory and Leininger

Nursing Theory and Leininger

The world of contemporary nursing is a complex, yet rewarding, career choice. Far from the outdated paradigm of the Nurse being just the Doctor’s assistant, the contemporary nursing professional takes on a partnership role with both the doctor and patient as advocate caregiver, teacher, researcher, counselor, and case manager. The new model of health care holds that the predominant focus be quality patient care – which comprises three important factors — 1) sound theoretical knowledge of the latest medical procedures, information and innovations; 2) superior communication skills that are multi-culturally based; and, 3) the ability to empathize appropriately with the patient and family to buttress the role of caregiver (Brown, 200). One of these, the Multicultural Nursing Paradigm of Madeleine Leininger, allows for the changes in demographics, psychographics, and indeed, multiculturalism within the field is that of humanistic and transcultural nursing.Nursing Theory and Leininger Paper