Nursing School Barriers Research

Nursing School Barriers Research

Review of literature valued several other barriers that contribute to student being unsuccessful. The top barriers included lack of financial support, inadequate emotional support, low self-efficacy, and time constraints. A review of the literature found a major barrier interfering with the success of students is financial constraints. Many Of today’s students are considered nontraditional and have many responsibilities outside of the classroom that require the student to work. If unable or not allowed to work, students risk losing the necessities needed for survival.

For many, working hours are more than or equivalent to he time spent in class. Therefore, the work schedule and hours, interferes with the amount of time the student can dedicate to studying. Students are also working more to cover financial obligations to the school. With the rising cost vitiation, students faced the harsh reality of not being able to afford school (Peterson, 2009). Proactively, many have decided to attend community college instead of a university, in hopes of decreasing the financial burden so the number of hours worked can be decreased.Nursing School Barriers Research

Others are forced to work because the lack of available scholarships or financial aid. Most consider mans as a last result because of the interest rates and the fear of not being able to repay in the future. Nursing school can be mentally, physically and emotionally draining. Many students are not prepared for the challenges the body endures because of the emotional roller coaster of school. Many consider the idea of preparing for a profession where human life can be jeopardized if an error occurs very stressful.