Nursing care plan of child with Endocrine Disorder

Nursing care plan of child with Endocrine Disorder









Jalissa is an eight years old girl who has been admitted to the ICU with head trauma after been involved in a vehicle accident. She is unconscious and has conditions such as loss of weight, decreased skin turgor, and has dry mucous membranes.   You did not copy and paste the entire case study.

Jalissa Twyman, 8 years old, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with a closed head trauma after being involved in a bicycle/motor vehicle accident. Jalissa is unconscious. The nurses caring for Jalissa document a weight loss of 1.82 kg over a 24-hour period, decreased skin turgor, and dry mucous membranes. Urine output for the same 24-hour period is 3.5 L/m2.




Definition of the Medical Diagnosis

The endocrine mechanism is the network that consists of secretes which releases and then produces hormones in use in the controlling of many crucial functions in the person’s body, including the body mechanism to change the calorie present in the body into energy that yields power to organs together with the cells (Whirter, 2016). The endocrine mechanism influences individual heartbeats, the mode your tissues together with bones develop, and also the ability to form a baby. It has an essential function in determining if a person develops thyroid disorders, diabetes, sexual dysfunctions, growth issues, or some hosts in other hormonal diseases or not.

The endocrine disorders are in division into two groups, namely the endocrine diseases, which result when there is more or less production of endocrine hormones by the gland, and this is called a hormonal imbalance. The second group is the endocrine disease as a result of lesions development like the tumors or nodules in an endocrine system that might affect the levels of the hormone or not.

The feedback system in the endocrine aids in the control process of hormonal balance in the bloodstream, if a person’s body has more or less of a given hormone, then the feedback path will signal the appropriate glands to solve the problem. Hormonal imbalances occur in instances when, first, the feedback system experiences troubles on maintaining the proper hormonal levels in a person’s blood flow. Second is when bodies do not remove the hormones out of the blood in an appropriate way. High or low amounts of hormones in the endocrine might be a result of some issues. The first issue is problems encountered in the system entitled to the endocrine feedback. The second issue is a disease. The third issue is gland failure in the stimulation of another gland in the hormonal release; for instance, problems concerning the hypothalamus may disrupt the production of hormones in the pituitary gland. The fourth issue is genetic disorders like the congenital  hypothyroidism or different endocrine neoplasia. The fifth concern, infections in a person’s body. The sixth concern, an endocrine gland injury and, lastly, the endocrine gland tumor. Various endocrine nodules and cysts do not result in cancer. They never spread to the other organ parts. Bulges and tumors in the gland might contradict hormonal release in the organs.

Signs and symptoms of an endocrine disorder and head trauma

There is a wide range of various categories of endocrine diseases. Diabetes what kind of diabetes is she exhibiting?

happens to be a primary disorder of the endocrine that is in diagnosis in the United States. The other types are as follows; Adrenal insufficient,Does not apply to the topic. it is where the adrenal gland produces a minimal hormone known as cortisol or aldosterone. The symptoms may be stomach upset, fatigue, changes in the skin, together with dehydration. Addison’s disorder happens to fall under the adrenal insufficiency. Cushing disease, Does not apply to the overproduction of the hormones in a pituitary gland that results in adrenal gland overreacting. The same condition by the name Cushing syndrome may happen in individuals and most infants who have higher corticosteroid medications doses.


Does not apply to the topic.

Acromegaly or gigantism and some other growth hormonal issues are there is more production of growth hormones by the pituitary glands. A child’s body parts or bones might progressively grow abnormally. If there are lower levels of growth hormone, then the child might stop becoming in terms of height. Hyperthyroidism, in this condition, there is an excess production of thyroid hormones by a thyroid, and this result to sweating, an increase in the heart rate, weight loss, and a state of nervousness. A cause of a thyroid that is overactive is a disorder known as autoimmune, and the disease is known as Graves.

Hypothyroidism,Does not apply to the topic. the gland on thyroid, doesn’t give adequate hormone of thyroid; this leads to constipation, depression, and skin drying. The organ of underactive may lead to slow growth in a child. Some of the hypothyroidism is there during the birth of a child. Hypopituitarism, little or no hormones, is released by the pituitary gland. Several different diseases can cause it. Ladies with the following situation can pause having a period.

Many endocrine neoplasiasDoes not apply to the topic., this is rare, a condition where genetics are decreased by society. It may lead to tumors of the thyroid glands, adrenal, and parathyroid, thus making the hormones being in overproduction. Polycystic,Does not apply to the topic. having production on androgens, may interfere with egg development and the release from the ovaries of a female (Bajaj, Rajput & Jacob, 2013). Polycystic ovary syndrome may lead to an individual being unfertile. Precocious puberty, early abnormal puberty occurs when the gland tells the body in life to produce the sex hormones.

Potential Complications 

While in most of the endocrine disorders are slow and mild to the process, specific endocrine diseases may lead to some of the complications over some time as signaling of hormonal imbalance affects the regular operation of the body. Complications of a particular disorder of endocrine include heart disease, insomnia or anxiety, coma in hypothyroidism, damage of the nerves, failure or loss of organs, reduced life quality, and depression in many of the conditions.


Head to Toe Assessment 

General: the patient has closed head trauma and unconscious after been involved in an accident.

Vital signs: Temperature is 99.4°F; heart rate, 90 bpm, blood pressure, 131/77 mm Hg; respiratory rate, 19 breaths/min


Head: the hearing is ordinarily stiff and black. How is hearing stiff or black.. and you state above unconscious

Eyes: the eyes lack discharge.

Pupil reactions.. imperative to assess in a TBI

Ears:  the ears have regular physical appearances.

Nose: the nose does not have purulent discharge.    Is there any drainage?


Mouth/Throat:  the mouth has no sores, and the mouth is moderately moist with healthy gum.

Respiratory the patient has a clear breath through it is prolonged. RR is documented as 19 breaths/min  WNL

Cardiovascular:  the patient does not have a history of murmur nor palpitation.  This is not objective documentation of her CV.. it is history

Gastrointestinal:  the client was unconscious, but the guardian admits that the client has been having nausea. Only the person feeling it can give the symptom no nausea

abdominal contour.. marks. She was in a car accident so need to assess for internal damage.

bowel sounds



Genitourinary :  the client has no vaginal odor in her discharge and has no swelling.   She is achild.. not what you need to assess

Did you read the case study .. there is critical data regarding this system in the case study.

Skin : the skin is moderately tender with no scars or rashes.

Musculoskeletal :  the guardian admits that the patient has been having pain in her back but had not had any fractures.

pulses, capillary refill, ROM?



Neurologic : the patient has problems in her sleep patterns.      She is unconscious!

Diagnostic and Lab Studies Expected Outcomes

Closed head trauma, which is part of the endocrine disorder, mostly occurs when one is involved in a physical accident that tempers with one’s brain. Most patients might go on a comma after experiencing trauma or brain injury. They are various tests that can be used to examine the patient’s brain status. The CT scan is among the most common lab tests that are used to explore the conditions of the brain.  Blood and urine tests can also be used in examining the patient’s endocrine disorders as a result of brain trauma.


All Jalissa Nursing Diagnosis

1. Decreased skin turgor

2. Weight loss

3. Dry mucus membrane

3 Jalissa Nursing Diagnosis, Goal Interventions, and Rationale  

1. Weight loss is caused by a lack of eating during the time the patient was diagnosed with trauma and went in a comma.

Desired Outcomes

· She is helping the client go back to her healthy life and start eating as usual.

· The patient records an increase in weight though in the usual way.


· Brings the patient back to healthy living.

· We are advising on healthy eating.


· Loss of weight is a highly associated failure to eat adequately.

· Eating adequately, a balanced diet helps one gain a healthy weight.

0. Decreased skin turgor

Desired outcome:

· Ensure that the patient has normal skin turgor


· Guiding on proper feeding


· Decreased skin turgor is related to unfortunate feeding habits.



The patient states that she is capable of living a positive life after trauma and is adapting to proper feeding and adequate physical exercise. The patient is also able to increase weight in inappropriate ways after modifying a good feeding program.











McWhirter, R. J. (2016). Adrenal cortex hormones—Advances in research and application: ScholarlyBrief (13th ed.). ScholarlyEditions.

Bajaj, S., Rajput, R., & Jacob, J. J. (2013). Endocrine disorders during pregnancy. JP Medical.

McDermott, M. T. (2019). Management of patients with pseudo-endocrine disorders: A case-based pocket guide. Springer Nature.