Nursing Care Plan Assignment

Nursing Care Plan Assignment


In formulating a care plan, it is important to note that the environment plays a significant role in the movement from an exacerbation of a chronic illness to stability. According to Florence Nightingale, the important elements for the patient under nursing care are: personal hygiene, nutrition, ventilation, room temperature, sanitation, lighting, waste disposal systems, noise, beddings and water quality (George, 2011). However, everything in the patient’s environment, including equipment, must be taken into consideration. The environment also includes comfort, presence of the nurse, stimulation, communication of health advice as well as inspiring hope. The goal of nursing care is to make sure that the patient’s environment promotes health. This means that the environment must not be a source of stress or further disease, but should provide the patient’s physiological, psychological and social needs.Nursing Care Plan Assignment

The care and assessment data towards the patient is the focus; it is obtained through careful observation and conducting a patient interview. With empathy and active listening, the nurse engages the patient in a conversation. Mr. Issler states that he is unsure if he has hypo or hyperthyroidism but indicates to the bottle of Synthroid as his thyroid medication. He has not been compliant with follow-ups and regular blood draws for T4 levels. As a result, he went from a hypo to a hyperthyroid condition. He also is dyspneic from pulmonary congestion secondary to CHF. This keeps him awake at night. Further, he states he has not had much appetite following his wife’s death. The wife cooked meals for and took care of him. His BMI is normal but states he has lost weight. He felt desperate lately that he had to call his daughter-in-law for help. He is anxious about his condition, fearing he might not get better.
Based on assessment, the following are the patient’s primary areas of needs: nutrition, sleep, oxygenation, knowledge about medical condition and social support system. The nurse then proceeds to modify the environment to fulfill these needs.Nursing Care Plan Assignment